Great Pyrenees Rescue

LucyI learned of a Great Pyrenees Dog that was in a shelter in Ohio. It seemed that no one would rescue her, and all surrounding rescues were at maximum capacity. This dog was scheduled for euthanasia. I knew nothing about her – other than she was a female Great Pyrenees dog, but something about the situation didn’t set well with me, so I pulled strings, made friends and got her a ride to Buffalo. Lucky for us, “Lucy” turned out to be young, healthy and with a very sweet disposition. She did pose one problem – she had a special skill for jumping fences and took us on a few chases…But, alas, we have found Lucy the perfect forever home where she is loved and won’t ever have to face abandonment and death in a shelter again. I have another lovely young female available. “Chloe” is a young, healthy, spayed female that gets along great with other dogs. A fenced yard is a must for this dog who loves to explore. If you are interested in adopting a Chloe, or another Great Pyrenees Dog, please go to and fill out an adoption to adopt.  You may also e-mail me at


Please Help Mend our Clinic

Our Observatory Clinic is in desperate need! Due to a combination of heavy water damage, squirrels, and dog and cat damage we were forced to gut our clinic and re-do it completely. We have re-insulated and run new electric and water, but now have run out of funds to finish it. In hindsight, we never should have gutted it before getting the estimate to put it back together.  It is a mess and we have been without our clinic since June.  We desperately need funds to put it back together again – drywall, wood paneling, Paint, lights, new windows, a new floor and repairs around the door are desperately needed.  We aren’t able to employ Scouts for the work needed from here on since this type of work calls for professionals.  The estimate to complete this work is $12,000.  We welcome donations by contractors to complete this work.


Limited Edition 2008 Foofye Calendars are Now Available!

April Foofye Cover Foofye July Foofye

For that special little dog in your life, or that friend that has everything… 12 months of the cutest little dog in the world. Foofye will also autograph and sign photos for her fans. Only $24.00 but hurry, this is a Limited Edition! Foofye will probably be famous soon and you will have this calendar from “before” the fame! It might be worth lots of money some day.

Star Trek Foofye Foofye Santa

In Memory of Lucy

LucyIn fond memory of “Lucy” our ancient Silver fox that was humanely euthanized November 14th 2007. She was never ill a day in her life and never missed a meal until her last day. I estimated her age to be at least 17 years.  Lucy was a very valuable asset to Fox Wood because through the years she was a surrogate mother to hundreds of orphaned fox pups. She was  kind and gentle to the babies and would feed them before she would feed herself. Our fox pups grew up very wild because of Lucy. They never knew that food came from human hands.