Fox Wood Rescues a Pot Bellied Pig

We are always up for a challenge, so when we heard about the Pot bellied piglet that had escaped from the Springville Auction, we sprung into action. The pig had been loose for three weeks and had already been very lucky that the weather was mild, but its luck would soon run out.  It had been sleeping in a patch of woods at night and rooting for food in the cemetery by day.  No one could catch it and it was wary from being chased.

I decided that a humane trap would be the best thing to try first.  Three traps were set up in the area and baited with a trail of cookies.  By the second day, we caught our little pig!

I have learned a lot about pigs, including how intelligent they are.  We have been having fun getting to know this little guy, who is yet unnamed.  More photos will follow, but for now, here are some photos taken of the little guy when he was “living in the wild…”

Pig in wild

Pig in cemetary

Merry Christmas to all!!

2006 Fox Wood Newsletter

Here is our annual Christmas letter in a pdf download.  We can’t possibly put in the stories of all the animals that Fox Wood has helped this year, but you will get a good idea of what we do.

This time of year is considered “The Slow Season” for wildlife rehabilitators, mostly because people aren’t finding baby bunnies, baby birds, fawns, etc.. However, it is still a very busy time and an expensive time for us because a lot of animals are more actively searching for food, or excited because the breeding season is starting soon and they are getting hit by cars or shot.  A lot of animals that are hit by cars are not killed, but suffer broken limbs or head injuries.   Slow down when you see those eyes reflecting light on the side of the road.

Have a safe Holiday Season!

Check out the Fox Wood Newsletter, and  enjoy!